New Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar, active on tweeters like Sushma Swaraj,
Like the External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, the new Foreign Minister of the country, S. Jaishankar, reacted on Sunday to seek the help of many Indians abroad. Earlier, his predecessor, Sushma Swaraj, also helped with great enthusiasm after receiving complaints against many of the Indians trapped in difficulties on social media. Swaraj has left behind the legacy of accessible access to the Foreign Minister, who also helped the Indians stranded abroad even after receiving complaints through Twitter. The new Foreign Minister of India, S. Jaishankar, seems to be committed to keeping this tradition inherited.
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On the same pattern on Sunday, Jayashankar reacted a lot to the help of many Indians by tweeting one after another and assured them that the Indian mission of the respective countries was trying to solve their issues. When a woman named Mahalaxmi asked a member of her family on Twitter to help in losing the passport during a trip to Italy, Jaishankar said, “Our Embassy in Rome / Consulate General in Munich will do every possible help. Please keep in touch with @IndIyTully and @sigimunich. ”
Our Embassy in Rome/ Consul General in Munich will extend all assistance. Please be in touch with them @IndiainItaly @cgmunich
— Dr. S. Jaishankar (@DrSJaishankar) June 2, 2019
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The Foreign Minister also responded to a Twitter user requesting to find and return her husband in Kuwait. The woman said that her husband is not responding to the court summons and is living comfortably in Kuwait. Jayashankar tweeted: “Our embassy in Kuwait is already working on it. Please stay in touch with @indmukwait. “He has similarly answered many questions and complaints of many Twitter users. In his first official tweet on Saturday he had said that he would be proud of Swaraj’s “walking the map”.