#VayuShakti2019: India Air Force’s assurance for ready to take on enemy anytime
India is devastated due to Pulwama Terrorist attack. Everyone, from soldier to the layman is taking the oath for the fight against terrorism, But on Sunday, 137 aircraft from Indian Air Force smash ground targets in Pokhran.
But this not at all attack or retaliation. This was a pre-planned exercise by IAF. “VayuShakti” is an exercise of IAF, after every three years, to validate its equipped, rehearsed and ready to act.
In VayuShakti 2019, the Indian Air Force showcased its all-weather day-dusk-night operational at a major exercise in Rajasthan’s Pokhran firing range close to Indo-Pakistan border on Saturday.
Various aircraft, including fighters, helicopters, and force participated in the exercise in the presence of Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.
While inauguration, B S Dhanoa, Air Chief Marshal said, Today we will display the way we would influence events on the ground in the war. We are showcasing our ability to hit hard, hit fast and hit with precision, hit during the day, hit during the night and hit under adverse weather conditions through our autonomous bombing capability”.
The ‘Vayu Shakti 2019’ showcased capabilities of various fighter aircraft such as Mirage-2000, Su-30 MKI, MiG 27, Jaguar, Tejas, Hawk, MiG-21 Bison, Mi-17 V5, Mi-35 and ALH MKIV besides other platforms.
Like every year, this year too, many diplomats, mostly foreign military officers posted in embassies in New Delhi were presented in Pokhran for this event. But there is no one from Pakistan and China, the two countries, India determined to give a clear message of her operational readiness.