
India Condemns Drone attacks in Saudi Arabia

“We strongly condemn the drone attacks on May 14, 2019 targeting oil installations in Saudi Arabia. We reiterate our resolve to fight terrorism and violence in all its forms and manifestations,’’ said Ravish Kumar, the Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs in response to a question.

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Thus, India on Thursday strongly condemned the drone attacks in Saudi Arabia targeting oil installations on May 14. Saudi Arabia had to close down two a major pipeline which can carry five million barrels of crude per day as the drone strikes hit two pumping stations.

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Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia reopened the key oil pipeline and the officials say that it is fully operational. India reiterated the resolve to fight terrorism and violence in all its forms and violations.

Huthi rebels in Yemen had claimed the responsibility for twin drone strikes on the pipeline from the oil-rich eastern province to the Red Sea Coast. Two pump stations on the East-West pipeline in the kingdom were attacked by armed drones which caused a fire and minor damage to the pump station.


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