Thousands of people affected by the polluted smoke of Dombivli textile processing company, pollution board disappointed
Due to the corrupt policies of the Textile Processing Company officials and officials of the Kalyan Pollution Board, thousands of people living around the Dombivli industrial area are in the dirty and polluted environment. The lack of solidarity in the surrounding citizens, or lack of awareness, does not seem to raise the voice against it, whereas the local pollution officer in this matter comes every month and in return not taking action from all these companies Illegal sums are also vets.
According to the information received, there is more than one hundred fifty clothing processing companies in Dombivli Industrial area in phase 1 and 2. In order to do various chemical processes on the clothes, every company needs steam (heat) which is prepared by heating the boiler. And in order to warm the boiler, a coal is needed,
The main reason for air pollution in the textile processing companies is the smoke coming out of the Fireplace of these foreign coals . 15-20 years ago country coal was used to heat boilers in these process companies. By which the air pollution was less spread. But now the cheap coal of Indonesia and South Africa has come in the market. Country Coal which is of Rs. 50-60 per kg and this foreign coal just 7 to 7.50 per kg.
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Not only does this foreign coal spreed smoke, but also small particles of coal continue to wander in the air far away, and after cooling down they falling constantly around the said company, or the resident area, located around the industrial area. the truth can be understood by looking at the roof of the residential complex located around the industrial area. Here,any one can see the gathering of sand particles in bulk amount.
Many times the local people have complained it to the officials of pollution control board kalyan in written form. But the Pollution Board has taken an imposing action in this matter and the textile processing companies have blessing of pollution control board officials.