
UNHCR triumph over #SaveRahaf: Canadian Government provides Asylum to Saudi Women, Rahaf-al-Qunun

The issue of Women’s freedom kindled by the online Campaign #SaveRahaf, the twitter campaign by 18-year-old Rahaf-al-Qunun ends with an optimistic answer.

Canadian Government after the request of UNHCR (United Nations Refugee Agency) granted her Asylum with international protection and long term solution for her as a resettling refugee.

The quick decisions over the past week of the Government of Thailand in providing temporary refuge and facilitating refugee status determination by UNHCR and the rapid decision making by the Canadian government in offering emergency resettlement to Ms. al-Qunun are the key events which achieved resolution of this case.

Yesterday, she left Thailand and reach to Canada today. she tweeted that she is happy and safe and ready for new life.

Rahaf-al-Qunun fled her home in Saudi Arabia after the renouncement of Islam, which is punishable in Islamic countries. She came to Thailand and started tweeting about her predicament for asylum.

She tweeted, “Based on the 1951 convention and 1967 protocol, I am Rahaf Mohmed, formally seeking the status of any country that would protect me from getting harmed or killed due to leaving my religion and torture from my family.”

After her plea for protection, several people started to ask for help on the #SaveRahaf twitter campaign. Eventually, UNHCR gave her status of refugee.

“Ms. al-Qunun’s plight has captured the world’s attention over the past few days, providing a glimpse into the precarious situation of millions of refugees worldwide,” said, Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugee.

Further, he added, Refugee protection today is often under threat and cannot always be assured, but in this instance, international refugee law and overriding values of humanity have prevailed.


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