Demolition of the bungalow has started From Narayan Rane himself
As per order of Bombay High Court The demolition of Union Central Minister Narayan Rane’s ‘Adhish’ bungalow in Juhu began on Thursday morning. It is said that this demolition work is being done by Dastur Rane himself.
After it came to light that there was unauthorized construction in Rane’s bungalow, the municipal authorities sent a notice to Rane.
The Bombay High Court said that the illegal construction in the bungalow cannot be regularized and ordered the demolition of the construction and imposed a fine of Rs 10 lakh on Rane.
Narayan Rane had approached the Supreme Court against this decision. The Supreme Court refused to stay the decision of the Bombay High Court and ordered the demolition of the structure itself.