Western fleet wins the WNC Sailing Championship 2022
Western Naval Command (WNC) Sailing Championship 2022 was held from 01 to 06 Oct 22 at Indian Navy Watermanship Training Centre (INWTC) in Colaba, Mumbai. The event saw competition in four classes of boats- ILCA 6 (women), ILCA 7 (men), BiC Nova and Laser Bahia.
Teams from the Maharashtra Naval Area, Mumbai Area, COMCOS (W), Western Fleet, Karnataka Naval Area and Goa Naval Area battled off the Sunk Rock Light House in winds ranging from 5-13 knots, to win the coveted WNC sailing championship trophy.
The competition consisted of a series of six races in the ILCA 6, ILCA 7 and BiC Nova classes, and a single round robin series in the Laser Bahia consisting of ten races in team and match racing. While the racing in ILCA 6, 7 and BiC Nova highlighted individual boat handling skills, it was the team and match racing that demonstrated comradeship, strategic acumen, sporting aggression and fine teamwork of the participants.
The Western Fleet won the team event and was followed on the podium by Goa Naval Area and COMCOS (W). Commodore Ashutosh Ridhorkar from HQWNC presented medals to winners during the closing ceremony held at INWTC (Mbi) on 06 Oct 22.