The use of spiritual tools in treatment is necessary to improve the mental health of society – Sean Clark -Findings in research paper by ‘Maharishi Adhyatma University’

Dublin, Ireland, d. 27
If the mental health of the community is to be improved, medical professionals must use spiritual tools in their research on spiritual outcomes and treatment methods, asserted Sean Clark on behalf of the Maharshi University of Spirituality here.
Speaking at the 10th Annual Congress on Mental Health (ACMH 2023) Online International Scientific Conference organized by the Conference Series, Dublin, Ireland.
Clark presented the 102nd research paper on behalf of the Maharishi University of Spirituality on the topic of ‘Spiritual causes of addictions and how to overcome them’. Founder of Maharishi University of Spirituality Dr. Jayant Athawale is the author of this research paper and Clark from Maharishi Adhyatma University research group is the co-author.
30% of the causes of an addiction are physical, 30% psychological and 40% spiritual. Spiritual research has shown that addictions can be overcome in a short period of time with proper spiritual practice.
The influence of negative forces or troubles caused by unsatisfied ancestors affect the life of the person, also they contribute to increase the effectiveness of the negative energy of the person. However, once a person engages in spiritual practice, the impact of negative energy begins to diminish, Clark added.
Clarke presented the findings of Maharishi Adhyatma University’s Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) experiments at the conference. Test examples of seekers who overcame addictions within months or years of spiritual practice at Maharishi Adhyatma University were given on this occasion.

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