
Record-breaking work by NDL India- 1.5 crore documents in Demat format till date

Ministry of Human Resource Development under #DigitalIndia initiated the ‘National Digital Library of India’ to develop a framework of a virtual repository of Learning resources. This NDL achieved a record of 1.5 crore documents in Demat till date.

The NDL India is now the learning partner of students pursuing higher education. This is a virtual repository with a single window search facility.

The Objective of NDL-India is to integrate several national and international digital libraries into one single web-portal. NDLI provides free of cost access to many books in English and the Indian languages.

The library was launched in the pilot from May 2016. The library dedicated to the nation in June 2018. As of January NDLI hosts 21, 000,000+ items in its repository, with over 150,000 volumes in English. The scanning of Indian language books has created an opportunity for developing Indian language optical character recognition (OCR) software. Books in Urdu and Persian are also available at the NDLI. The library is managed by Indian Institution of Technology, Kharagpur.


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