
Private concerns may now ask for e-KYC and authentication charges..!

The UIDAI, issuing a notification abide has cleared new pricing of Aadhaar Authentication Services under the Aadhaar Regulations 2019, making the e-KYC and authentication service chargeable.

The payment notification being applicable only to the private entities, they will now have to pay Rs 0.50 inclusive for each positive or negative authentication transaction and Rs 20 for e-KYC authentication. “Aadhaar authentication services shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 20 (including taxes) for each e-KYC transaction and Rs. 0.50 (including taxes) for each ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ authentication transaction from requesting entities”, informed the statement in relation.

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The authentication transaction charges are to be deposited within 15 days and beyond 15 days there will be a late payment charge of 1.5% interest per month and discontinuation of the availed e-KYC services and authentication.

However, the new regulation exempts government entities and departments of the post are from the said charges. According to the new regulation “Scheduled Commercial Banks engaged in providing Aadhaar enrolment and update facilities, shall be exempt from Authentication transaction charges.”

The notification further read that such banks which fall short of the Aadhaar enrolment and update targets, as communicated from time to time, will be charged in proportion to the shortfall in achieving the target.


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