Once a hero, always a hero: Giving new life, Indian Army rescues infant from 60 feet deep borewell
This incident proves that our Indian Army not only protects our country from the outside enemies but protects and cares for each and every citizen of the nation. Indian Army’s Dot on Target Division has displayed exemplary urgency and safely rescued an 18 months old child from a bore well near village Balsamand in Hisar district of Haryana.
The civil administration requested for help in rescuing Master Nadeem an 18 months old child, who had accidentally fallen in a bore well near village Balasmand in Hisar District.
Indian Army immediately responded to the request and the child was successfully evacuated by constructing a connecting tunnel approx 60 feet deep during 43 hours long rescue operations.
On Wednesday evening, Nadeem while playing near his settlement, fell into the open borewell and slipped 60-feet down to the bottom. When parents failed to locate their child, they pressed the panic button which is when the villagers and family located that the boy trapped in the pitch-dark bottom of the borewell.
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“As the rescuers reached close to the spot where the child was trapped, digging by machines was stopped and was carried out manually to ensure that soil did not fall over the infant,” they said. Earlier, the rescue teams had started digging a parallel well about 20 feet away from the borewell and later, a tunnel was dug to bring out the child safely.
The child’s movements were monitored using a night-vision camera which was dropped inside the borewell.
The accident has again brought into focus the dangers posed by uncovered borewells. A massive operation was launched in 2006 to rescue five-year-old Prince, who had fallen into a borewell in a village in Kurukshetra. He was also pulled out safely after nearly 48 hours.