ISRO’s new initiative ‘Sanwad with Students’ to launch quality result in future
Delighted to share that we have launched new initiative #Samwad with Students #SwS today to engage youngsters across India and capture their scientific temperament. Chairman Dr K Sivan interacted with students answering their queries.
Next generation should be perfect in their views regarding the development of our country. Students across the world are very curious to know about many things.
As part of the enhanced outreach programme of Indian Space Research Organisation, a new platform named Samwad with Students (SwS) was launched in Bengaluru on January 1.
In his opening remarks, Dr Sivan SwS aims at drawing inspiration and motivation from young India.
The first SwS event saw 40 wards and 10 teachers from select schools interact with ISRO Chairman Dr K Sivan at the Anthariksh Bhavan. During the three-hour stay at ISRO HQ, the students were first briefed about Indian space programme and their benefits to the common man.
“All of you with your boundless energy and endless curiosity are going to be my biggest source of inspiration and motivation. With so many challenging on hand this year, I thought it is important to seek the well-wishes of students who are the future of this country,” Dr Sivan said.
To another query from a 10th standard student, how scientists cope up with failures, Dr Sivan said the biggest lessons in life are often derived when the plans go astray.
“Space missions are very complex in nature and totally different from terrestrial systems. They have to work in extreme environments more often. Our forefathers have shown us a path to take failures in our stride and take on the challenges with a positive mindset,” said.
Dr Sivan explained to the students the importance of the Indian space programme and its benefits to the society at large. He wanted them to take up the science and mathematics with absolute seriousness which would enable them to take up challenging careers.